Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I got nothin'

I'm sitting here sniffling and swallowing, hoping whatever I have is just a 24 hour bug and it will leave my system by tomorrow. I had all intentions of taking pictures of this new recipe I tried out last night (since, how often do I post food pics? This, coming from someone who LOVES to eat. Hence the excess spin classes). However, due to a rescheduled haircut and my husband's last minute plans, dinner was rushed and the potatoes I made looked more like a picture that should have been captioned "If your potatoes came out like this, go back to step 1." Hey, at least they tasted good. are some pictures of Penny I took for fun the other night when I was playing around with some new settings. The poor girl hurt her tail (nothing serious) so she's wearing a cone right now (after a last minute run to Pet Supermarket the other night, I discovered the Comfy Cone so at least it's not as bad as the old-school plastic ones). As mean as I sound, it makes me laugh. She looks like a lampshade. Ideas for next Halloween are flowing...

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